Photographer’s Eye: “Seeing” Downtown with David K. Thompson

Wednesday, October 19, 2016
12:15pm to 1:00pm
Central Library, Meeting Room A


Reservations not required. Doors open approximately 15 minutes before the start of the program.

“In a series of photographs inspired by the Japanese woodblock printer Hiroshige, local photographer and silkscreen artist David Thompson takes a fresh look at the urban environment of downtown Los Angeles.  As much of the downtown skyline changes, and with it the nature of life of the city, Mr. Thompson focuses on specific ways of truly “looking” at the city’s built environment and architectural legacy.  He explores the value of elevation, projection and compression as conscious ways of seeing the city the lies before us.  He also takes a closer look at downtown streetscapes, the role of “text” in the life of the city and even that most notorious eyesore of urban life:  the parking lot.”

“David K. Thompson was born in New York and raised in Florida, Japan, Ohio, North Carolina, Virginia and Puerto Rico  He has worked — as an editor, diplomat and transactional lawyer — in New York, Washington, D.C., San Francisco, Paris and Los Angeles.  But the longest constant in his working life has been a dedication to silkscreen printing, based, for the most part, on his own photography.  His most recent artwork focuses on city streetscapes, architecture and infrastructure, with a heavy emphasis on Los Angeles.  Based in Pasadena, he actively explores virtually every corner of Los Angeles with his camera.  He has also begun to treat his urban photographic work as an end in itself, often combining it with historic and architectural commentary, drawing in particular on the rich heritage of contemporary newspaper accounts — including especially advertisements — of the city and its occupations.

Sponsored by Photo Friends. Presented by the Los Angeles Public Library Photo Collection.

Additional details available on the LAPL website.