Bring your lunch and join Elisa Leonelli, a Los Angeles-based photo-journalist, who will present B&W photos from the 1970s, in the style of “Street Photography”, inspired by French photographer Henri Cartier Bresson, taken in Los Angeles, New York, New Orleans, and her native Italy.

Leonelli’s work was featured in the California Living, Sunday supplement of the Los Angeles Herald Examiner newspaper, and she worked on assignment for US publications (Los Angeles Times, Los Angeles Magazine, Westways, Time, etc) and foreign magazines (Epoca, Espresso, Europeo, Grazia, Panorama, Vogue, Zoom, etc). During her career, she specialized in travel photography, and photographed and interviewed actors, writers, and musicians.
Sponsored by Photo Friends. Presented by the Los Angeles Public Library Photo Collection.
Full details can be found on the LAPL website.